Return Policy

We have a 10-day return policy, which means you have 10 days after your order has been delivered to request a return.

To start a return, please contact us at, and explain the reason of your return. Send the item back to us within the 10-day period in its original condition (new, unworn, unaltered, with tags attached) and with no visible signs of wear such as make up, deodorant stains, fragrances, etc.

Once the item is evaluated, returned correctly, and approved, an email with the store credit details will be sent to you. Please, note that we reserve the right to refuse returns that do not meet our policy. Store credits will expire after 120 days after being issued.

Customers are responsible for the shipping costs of the return item. 

Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items, bodysuits, or accessories. All sale items are final and can not be exchanged. Shipping fees are not refundable.

Although we carefully process every order, if you get to receive a damage item, please contact us within a 24-hour period of your item delivery to make the report. 

By shopping with us, you agree to our terms and conditions.